Sunday, May 27, 2012


I have been blogging for a couple of years now, but the one interest that I rarely if ever address in my main blog is my love of food and cooking. Rather than clutter up the other blog, which is primarily devoted to my wargaming hobby and day to day family stuff, I have decided to create this blog to document my cooking adventures. I don't expect that it will be anything earth-shattering, but want it to be a place to record those recipes that I have tried and what I have thought of them. I will note which recipes I have made out of which cookbooks, what we thought of the results, and what if anything I would change if I made the dish again.

Someday, perhaps, I will have printed this as a book and my kids will read through it and say to themselves "hey, this is all the stuff Mom and Dad fed us when we were kids...". That would be nice for them to have...

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